Εικόνα Σχετιζόμενη με το παρών στοιχείο


The legislation about the management of Excavation, Construction and Demolition Waste (AEKK) includes the management processes of AEKK, the way the management works are organized, the monitoring and control system, the obligations of entities, producers, and managers, as well as the sanctions that violators are subject to.

Εικόνα Σχετιζόμενη με το παρών στοιχείο

The basic legal framework regarding the management of C&DW is based on the following legislation:

  • Waste Catalogue according to the Annex of Decision 2000/532/EC, as amended by Decisions 2001/118/EC and 2001/573/EC of the EC Commission
  • Comprehensive framework for waste management
  • Control and protection of the built environment and other provisions. Amended and supplemented by Law 4685/2020
  • Measures, conditions, and program for the alternative management of waste from excavations, constructions, and demolitions (C&DW).