
Κόστος Διαχείρισης ΑΕΚΚ

Εικόνα Σχετιζόμενη με το παρών στοιχείο

Management Cost AEKK

The financial contributions of the obligated managers to the SSDE for processing works are structured as follows:

The following financial contributions do not include VAT and transportation expenses of the AEKK from their production site to their management facility

Α/Α Categories AEKK Correspondence with EKA Codes Analysis with EKA Codes Contribution Obligation [€/tn] Description of EKA Codes
1 Soil – Stones
1-B Excavation Waste (Clean Earthy / Murky) 17 05 04 3,02 Excavation waste & boulders
17 05 04 1,33 (*) *with the unit’s consent
1-Γ Excavation waste from hydraulic projects 17 05 04 4,45 Excavation waste with high moisture content (sludge)
1-Δ Excavation waste (sludge with bentonite and/or high clay content) 17 05 04 11,00 Excavation waste with high moisture content (sludge), bentonite, and/or high clay content
2 Dredging waste
2 Dredging waste (*) 17 05 06 4,45 Dredging waste
1,5 (*) *with the unit’s consent
3 Demolition waste from technical works
3-A Asphalt milling waste 17 03 02 1,33 Mineral asphalt mixture excluding those mentioned in 17 03 01
3-Β Demolition asphalt waste (non-milled) 17 09 04 17 03 02
17 05 04
3,02 Mineral asphalt mixture excluding those mentioned in 17 03 01 with soil, 3A, etc.
3-Γ Mixed demolition waste 17 09 04 17 01 01
17 04 05
17 05 04
17 05 08
3,02 Lightly reinforced concrete (mesh), soil, stones, gravel
4 Mixed construction/demolition/renovation/restoration waste
4-Α Mixture of concrete, bricks, tiles, and ceramics (clean) 17 01 07 7,54 Heavily reinforced concrete, specially shaped and high-strength concrete, bricks, tiles, and ceramics. May contain very small traces of wood.
4-Β Mixture of concrete, bricks, tiles, and ceramics (with wood traces) 17 09 04 17 01 07
17 02 01
10,00 Heavily reinforced concrete, specially shaped and high-strength concrete, bricks, tiles, and ceramics. Mixture of concrete, bricks, ceramics, with significant wood traces or small-sized wood traces (shredded)
4-Γ Mixture of concrete, bricks, tiles, and ceramics (with small traces of other building materials) 17 09 04 17 01 07
17 02 01
17 02 02
17 02 03
17 05 04
17 04 07
17 04 11
17 06 04
17 08 02
12,89 Mixture of concrete, bricks, ceramics, with small traces of other building materials, such as glass, plastic, wood, soil, insulation, gypsum, metals
4-Δ Mixed construction material waste 17 09 04 17 01 07
17 02 01
17 02 02
17 02 03
17 05 04
17 04 07
17 04 11
17 06 04
20,00 Mixture of concrete, bricks, ceramics, and other building materials, such as glass, plastic, wood, soil, gypsum, metals
4-E Mixed construction material waste with foreign traces 17 09 04 17 01 07
17 02 01
17 02 02
17 02 03
17 05 04
17 04 07
17 04 11
17 06 04
17 08 02
29,55 Mixture of construction materials with foreign traces, such as packaging, plastics, bulky items, etc.
45,00 Mixture of construction materials with foreign traces, such as packaging, plastics, bulky items, etc., on islands with landfills (ΧΥΤΑ)
54,00 Mixture of construction materials with foreign traces, such as packaging, plastics, bulky items, etc., on islands without landfills (ΧΥΤΑ)
4-ΣΤ Mixed construction material waste with foreign traces from municipal areas and natural disasters 17 09 04 17 01 07
17 02 01
17 02 02
17 02 03
17 05 04
17 04 07
17 04 11
17 06 04
17 08 02
46,00 Mixture of construction materials with foreign traces, such as packaging, plastics, bulky items, burned wood waste, etc.
4-Ζ Synthetic demolition and renovation waste 17 09 04 17 01 07
17 08 02
17 06 04
105,00 Mainly insulation materials (bituminous membranes, rock wool, expanded polystyrenes, plastics), etc.
5 Separately collected aggregates
5-A Unreinforced concrete waste 17 01 01 1,33 Concrete
5-B Separately collected tiles, ceramics, bricks 17 01 02 5,50 Bricks
17 01 03 Tiles, ceramics
6 Other separately collected C&DW
6-Α Separately collected metal waste 17 04 01 0,20 Copper, bronze, brass
17 04 02 Aluminum
17 04 03 Lead
17 04 04 Zinc
17 04 05 Iron and steel
17 04 06 Tin
17 04 07 Mixed metals
17 04 11 Cables except those included in point 17 04 10
6-B Separately collected wood waste from technical works with traces 17 02 01 15,00 Construction wood waste with traces of impregnation or paint, movable building elements and furniture, woody biomass
6-Γ Separately collected wood waste from technical works, clean 17 02 01 5,80 Clean construction wood waste, without traces
7 Self-managed waste
7-Α Self-managed excavation waste 17 05 04 0,20 Soil and stones
7-Β Self-managed waste ΚΚ 17 03 02 0,20 mixtures of mineral asphalt
17 01 01 concrete
17 01 07 mixture of concrete, bricks, tiles, and ceramics
8 Waste resembling C&DW
8-Α Concrete production waste (Optional) 10 13 14 3,02 Concrete waste and concrete sludge
8-Β Waste from stone cutting and sawing (Optional) 01 04 13 5,00 Marbles
The above financial contributions do not include VAT and the transportation costs of the C&DW from their production site to the management facility.
Α/Α Categories AEKK Correspondence with EKA Codes Analysis with EKA Codes Contribution Obligation [€/tn] Description of EKA Codes
1-Λ Excavation waste for quarry rehabilitation 17 05 04 Excavation waste for quarry rehabilitation 1,50 Excavation waste regardless of quality
1,33 (*) Excavation waste regardless of quality *For quantities >10,000 tons
The following financial contributions do not include VAT and the transportation costs of Excavation Waste from their production site to the disposal quarry.