
Invitation to the seminar for the publication of the project results with the acronym L-CMETRICA and the innovative software for Life Cycle Assessment and Calculation of the Environmental Footprint of Constructions using secondary materials from Excavation, Construction & Demolition Waste.

On Thursday, June 27, 2024, from 12:00 to 16:00, at Amphitheater II of the Research Dissemination Center (K.E.D.E.A.) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), ANAKEM, in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering of AUTH and the company THESS S.A., is organizing a seminar to publish the results of the L-CMETRICA project and to present the innovative software for Life Cycle Assessment and calculation of the environmental footprint of constructions using secondary materials from Excavation, Construction & Demolition Waste. The seminar’s proceedings will significantly contribute to the overall identification of problems and the prospects for compliance of technical infrastructure projects with the predictions of the national plan for the circular economy and Green Public Contracts. They will also provide detailed information about the software developed to support the sustainability of technical projects. The seminar’s program includes presentations from the project’s partners and a demonstration of the software developed based on data from the Greek context, as well as the results of experimental applications regarding the potential use of secondary materials from C&DW processing. Following this, a round table discussion will take place, featuring representatives from TEE/TKM, contracting companies, public infrastructure project consultants, first and second-degree local government officials, and moderated by Professor Katakalos from the Department of Civil Engineering, AUTH.

The L-CMETRICA project is co-funded by the NSRF, under the category “Innovation Investment Plans” of the Regional Operational Program of Central Macedonia. For more information, you can refer to the project’s brochure and its website: https://lcmetrica.gr/ .

Entrance to the seminar is free for the public.
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