Εικόνα Σχετιζόμενη με το παρών στοιχείο

«Secondary Materials from the AEKK – Prospects for Use in Public and Private Projects»

The outcomes of the Workshop, including the speeches and presentations, the critical points identified, and the proposals formulated, will be gradually posted on this page.

The presentations and speeches of the speakers are posted below.

Workshop Schedule
Εικόνα Σχετιζόμενη με το παρών στοιχείο

Workshop Presentations and Speeches

Speaker Speech
Manolis Grafakos
General Director of Solid Waste Management Coordination, Ministry of Environment and Energy
Brief Greeting
Nicholas Chiotakis
Managing Director of the Hellenic Recycling Organization
Ilias Dimitriadis
Chairman & CEO of ANAKEM S.A.
Secondary Inert Materials – The Final Link in the Circular Economy Chain
Vicky Kourou
Deputy Director of Public Contracts, General Directorate of Infrastructure
Initiatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport for the use of recovered inert materials from AEKK
Sophia Tzarouchi
Director of Alternative Management, EOAN (ECOFUND SA)
Alternative Management of AEKK within the Circular Economy Framework
Maria Taxiarchou
Associate Professor, School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, NTUA
Development of High Value-Added Final Products from AEKK
Boulias Alexis
Director of Management Systems & Product Certification, SAMARAS & Associates
Certification of Recycled Inert Materials with CE Marking
Philippos Avranas
Representative of the Panhellenic Association of Technical Companies (SATE)
Proposals for the use of recycled inert materials in public projects
Ioannis Papailiopoulos
Recycling of construction and demolition waste at the facility and the resulting secondary materials
Manolis Grafakos
Director General of Solid Waste Management Coordination, Ministry of Environment and Energy